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View from the Cab: FarmLearn is here

By Kent Casson

As adults, we often freak out when kids ask where babies come from, but what about when people ask where food comes from?

I’m sure a farmer would gladly fill you in, but unfortunately people don’t ask these questions too often. Some in the big cities might assume their milk comes from the grocery store or their deli meat strictly comes from that big glass case. My personal favorite is the myth that chocolate milk only comes from brown cows.

You and I know these are false facts but there are people out there who actually think this is the truth and we need to fix that.

That is why I have launched a new online source for ag information known as “FarmLearn.” An arm of the Central Illinois Farm Network, FarmLearn aims to teach people where their food comes from and more. It is geared more to the non-farm audience but perhaps even folks from around here could learn a thing or two about life on the farm.

You may see a video of a tractor driving through a field pulling a planter or of a combine unloading grain. Other content includes ag trivia, interesting facts, interviews, stories and podcasts. This is a centralized location for anyone of any age to learn about ag – from the really young to the really old and everyone in between.

This whole idea came to me when someone from out of state started asking about why chemicals are applied on fields, what kind of fertilizer is out there and why we raise corn and beans the way we do. Though there are some great resources out there telling the stories of farmers or classroom ag initiatives for kids, there really isn’t one centralized location where you can find general info on farms and why we do what we do.

I would also encourage anyone with questions about what happens on the farm to reach out.  As farmers, we often get busy with our daily routines and don’t always take the time to explain what goes on day in and day out. I most certainly don’t have all of the answers but will do my best to get them.

As we embark on another farming season, I invite you to follow along with FarmLearn by finding us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and You Tube. Expect to see plenty of photos and posts in the coming days and weeks as farmers hit the fields. There is a special FarmLearn page at

If you have any ideas of what we should be spotlighting in the ag world, please shoot an e-mail to


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