Final weekly report of the season

There were 6.0 days suitable for field work during the week ending November 26, according to the final crop progress and weather report of the season issued last week.
Statewide, the average temperature was 37.6 degrees, 1.2 degrees below normal. Precipitation averaged 0.56 inches, 0.20 inches below normal. Topsoil moisture supply was rated 13 percent very short, 34 percent short, 46 percent adequate, and 7 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 17 percent very short, 40 percent short, 41 percent adequate, and 2 percent surplus.
Winter wheat emerged reached 93 percent, compared to the 5-year average of 90 percent. Winter wheat condition was rated 2 percent very poor, 5 percent poor, 21 percent fair, 57 percent good, and 15 percent excellent.
This is the final weekly Illinois Crop Progress and Condition report for 2023. Monthly reports will be released January through March, with weekly reports resuming in April 2024. Thank you to all our reporters for their hard work this year.