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Video series examines results

TREMONT – Precision Planting has introduced a new interactive way of examining research results.

The “Inside PTI” video series features data such as trends observed by the company and field trial results. In this age of phones, tablets and computers, it is a change from the paper results of the past.

“Farmers are coming to us saying they’d rather have it in a video form versus a paper form,” explained Jason Webster with Precision Planting.

“Inside PTI” will officially be released during this week’s Precision Planting Winter Conference which runs through Friday at Tremont and several simulcast locations around the country. This provides an inside look at what is done on the company’s Precision Technology Institute farm in Pontiac.

“You’ll be able to see some of the actual applications you really can’t get in just a one page document on paper,” Webster added.

Participants will have an e-mail sent to them with two agronomic trials included in that e-mail. They will also have the option of submitting questions. Paper copies of trial results will still be offered to those who want them but the new method can be accessed from anywhere such as the tractor or combine cab.

Those attending this week’s conference can sign-up at a kiosk or simply look for the PTI link on and open the Inside PTI page.

During this week’s Winter Conference, Webster will discuss what he and others learned from the PTI farm. He has been busy crunching numbers and developing a top ten return on investment list which indicates which products made farmers the most money or lost them the most money.

“We’ll be spending a lot of time breaking plots down showing what worked and maybe what didn’t.”

FurrowForce, the new Precision Planting closing system, will be another talking point at the conference. This product senses the soil a grower is planting into, knowing how much pressure or tension is needed on a closing system to provide the best emergence.

“It’s just super interesting to growers understanding that sensing technology component we have – pretty similar to what we had with DownForce when it came out years ago,” said Webster.

The ag technology of today is always measuring, taking control and making changes automatically. This new closing system can bring in an extra $20 per acre due to the lifting and pushing it is doing based on field conditions.

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