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View from the Cab: Java powered

Caffeine has been powering our farming operation for years.

In fact, coffee is usually one of my major food groups each spring and fall, along with sweets. There is no such thing as “use sparingly” around here. How else would I get through an extremely late and interesting harvest season? A cup of coffee is usually within arm’s reach whether I am running the combine, tractor or driving a truck. My big coffee thermos is refilled every morning.

Early morning radio hosting is another reason I am such a big fan of coffee. I must have that first sip before going on the airwaves at 5:06 a.m. I just can’t function right without that first warm cup in my hand, especially on a cold winter morning on the Central Illinois prairie. This practice dates back to my days of playing radio as a child on the farm. I wouldn’t drink coffee before school but Saturday mornings would be full of drinking caffeine and playing tunes.

I believe that portable coffee tradition started with Grandpa. He had his thermos wherever he was – in the pickup or tractor cab. He would pour a cup early in the morning, late in the day and everywhere in between. During the off-season, he went to town to solve the world’s problems with other farmers over what else but a cup of joe. Dad also has his coffee handy during the farming seasons.

Hunting time also brings out the coffee for our family. I must have that thermos in my back pack before heading out for a day in the timber. It helps to have that mid-morning break to warm up a bit. We really rough it when sitting in an idle pickup truck with the heater running while sipping coffee. This usually occurs when it is just too cold to be sitting outside.

How do you prefer to drink your java? I received some funny looks at a coffee store once when I simply ordered a black coffee. Some may want the latest pumpkin spice latte or chocolate drink – but not me. A nice strong cup of coffee will hit the spot. I have been known to add a little sugar and cream on the weekends but that is about as fancy as I get.

Let’s all raise a cup to the end of this crazy 2019 season!

(The View from the Cab is powered each week by Petersen Chevy-Buick in Fairbury)

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