Dicamba training offered in Illinois

Many growers saw success by using dicamba products on soybeans this year and they are hoping for even more success in 2018.
The Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association is leading the effort to inform growers about the chemical technology by holding a series of training sessions around the state this winter.
“It just gives us the opportunity to learn what we need to do and really how to put our best foot forward in having success next year,” said Robert Clark, a Central Illinois technical agronomist with Stone Seed.
Clark believes it is all about making the best decisions moving forward and success results from trying to take the emotion out of things by making the right choice.
The Environmental Protection Agency revised labels for the three dicamba products labeled for use on genetically engineered crops, including soybeans. USEPA made XtendiMax, FeXapan and Engenia restricted use pesticides, which means only certified applicators can purchase them and a sale record must be kept by pesticide retailers.
According to the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association website found at www.ifca.com, the new product labels require all applicators to be trained on the proper use of the products. A proof of training must accompany the application record.