Seed treatment pays this year

With all of the fluctuating weather patterns this spring, those seeds which were treated are performing well so far.
It is easy to tell the difference between seeds that weren’t treated and those with the full treatment package of fungicide and insecticide. Jason McArdle, who manages the Brandt Consolidated Lexington location, says bean leaf beetles are present and treatment should help.
McArdle made the observation after taking a look at the Brandt research farm near Lexington recently.
“If you didn’t have an insecticide treatment on your soybeans with this weather and as we start to get back into the fields to spray, you may want to take a look to see what you’ve got out there,” McArdle said.
McArdle also urges growers to scout corn fields since post-plant chemical applications will soon begin. If you plan on using something with a residual base, try to get that onto a field before weed emergence.
“There are a lot of good products out there you can use,” added McArdle.