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View from the Cab: What to do

By Kent Casson

As I sit here just waiting for the fields to dry out so planting can resume, I wonder what kind of rainy-day project ideas I can come up with.

Perhaps I could clean the house?  Yes, this is possible but let’s start by cleaning my work areas. They tend to collect too much “stuff” with papers, computers, pens, freebies and other items filling my desk area, not to mention all of the radio equipment in my house. It looks like some sort of on-air museum exploded with everything landing in my basement.

Maybe I could wire that old radio sound board sitting in my studio area that has not been used, although that would take plenty of time away from other projects on my mind. Getting the board up and running is one of my goals at some point, I’m just not sure when that will be.

I could start watching TV shows every day, but then again, I really am not used to watching much TV at all. Work tends to take up much of my time so this is probably not possible, although I do like to watch some stuff on the weekends with the family. Some people drift off to sleep with the TV blaring, but that’s just not my thing.

A vacation to a peaceful destination is appealing. If we are certain it will rain for two weeks straight, that could be a strong consideration. Knowing my luck, I would plan to take some time off then the weather would be ideal for planting. That’s usually the way it goes.

While vacations are nice, getting ready for them isn’t so fun. It’s almost more work for me to go on one than not to by the time I do all of my show preparations for the radio stuff and pre-record shows for the following week. Get me out in a field in the middle of nowhere with a tractor and that is a vacation!

Extra time on the mower is something to pass the time…wait, I already do that. But, I guess there is always more mowing to do. We could mow every single ditch short with the small mower. This would provide hours of work while waiting for fields to dry out. At least it feels like I am doing some sort of farm work when riding on the mower.

Luckily, I don’t need to find extra projects to do during spring fieldwork delays since something is always going on in my world. In addition to work, we are taking the kids to activities and taking care of our summer 4-H calves at home. More on that to come in a future article.


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