View from the Cab: Harvest thoughts
By: Kent Casson
After spending countless hours in the cab this farming season, I thought I would share some harvest thoughts.
- The auger cart operator is the most under-appreciated job on the farm.
- That combine bin will hold more grain than you think.
- Savor the time with family out in the field. It goes way too fast.
- Take a few extra minutes to enjoy that harvest meal.
- Driving a combine is one of my favorite things to do.
- Cab refrigerators were a great invention.
- I work better when people aren’t looking over my shoulder telling me how to fix something.
- Why do a feel like opening my lunch box at 10:30 a.m.?
- A flat farm tire isn’t the end of the world but it sure causes panic.
- Bright sunshine with a clear blue sky always makes the day seem better.
- Are those hand gestures coming from the combine operator or just interpretive dance moves?
- There is nothing like the feeling of getting done with a field.
- Those rows of stalks are bumpy when trying to race down the field to catch the combine.
- Two-way radios are awesome. We should have used them sooner.
- We almost went an entire season without a rain break!
- Downed corn is no fun to harvest.
- Poor yields aren’t so bad when soybean prices climb above $10 and corn nears $4.
- Having most of the crop out of the field by Halloween is a big plus.
- At least we will not be harvesting when Christmas music plays on the radio.
There you have it folks…my annual harvest thoughts. I hope all of the farmers stay safe out there as we wrap-up another interesting year in farm country.