Variable yields observed in plots
PONTIAC – Plot data continues to pour in from the Precision Planting PTI research farm at Pontiac thanks to favorable harvest weather during the past month.
Precision Planting’s Jason Webster has observed variable yields on both corn and soybeans. The early planted beans turned out well.
“Those are definitely offering us our highest yield advantages,” Webster told The Central Illinois Farm Network.
Across the board, soybeans are average at best. Webster feels the record-setting warmth in August hurt the beans, even though the early planted beans were exceptional. Non-irrigated beans were running near 80 bushels in many cases and those yields dropped into the 50s with later plantings.
Corn saw mixed results as well but most of the hybrids performed well at the PTI farm.
“It just goes to show if you can take some variables out like weather, we can raise a pretty good crop,” notes Webster.
Raising a successful corn crop is labor intensive and must be managed correctly, but it can pay. Corn yields were disappointing for many growers this year – especially in those fields with a lot of replant. Corn on tiled or higher ground turned out good, however.
Webster was pleased with the PTI non-irrigated trials of early planted corn with yields ranging from 260-270 bushels per acre. A later corn trial which was planted May 29 still ran 240 bushels per acre. This is good considering everything the crops went through this season.
“We can get through it, I think we just have to know what’s going on in the field, know what kind of problems are out there and then tackle it before it’s too late.”
The Precision Planting PTI farm works through problems every grower has to face during the season and tries to come up with solutions.