Growers gain knowledge in offseason
CHATSWORTH – Producers have gained some knowledge after the recent winter meeting season.
Ag Leader is among the companies with a new product line, specifically on the planting side of an operation. A new product known as SureSpeed is a combination of a seed meter and delivery system.
“Accuracy is priority and speed is a bonus,” Ag Leader territory manager Ryan Oehler told a group of farmers at Nu-Ag Technology in Chatsworth last month.
Good spacing and singulation leads to a beautiful stand of corn while speed adds to planting productivity, according to Oehler. This Ag Leader system is unique since it delivers accuracy with planters traveling anywhere from 3-12 miles per hour.
Also during the Nu-Ag Technology meeting, Steve Riddle from DigiFarm explained the virtual base network which involves RTK options with accuracies. Riddle noted a portable and tower mounted radio RTK can be the most accurate. The other solution is cellular with a single base cellular RTK system.
“We take that cell-based correction to the next level,” Riddle explained.
DigiFarm creates a virtual base which GPS receivers see in the field.
Ryan Zook of Soil-Max explained various reasons to tile which include creating a favorable environment by getting extra water out of the soil and reducing erosion with drainage. Tiling can also lead to better root systems.
“Have an outlet,” Zook suggested. “If you don’t have somewhere to take the water, it doesn’t do you any good to have pipe in the ground.”
It is always good to have a tile plan ahead of time so that plan can be loaded into a display to be used as a roadmap of where you are going.
For various technology offerings, contact Nu-Ag Technology in Chatsworth at 815-635-3011 or visit