Pork scholarship applications open

The Illinois Pork Producers Association proudly awards nine students with a scholarship each school year.
Three Levels are awarded: (3) Gold Scholarships at $2,000 each; (3) Silver Scholarships at $1,500 each; (3) Bronze Scholarships at $1,000 each. Funding for these scholarships is made possible through the Keppy Foundation. Applicants must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or be enrolling to begin in the Fall of 2020 to be eligible.
IPPA Scholarships are open to students pursuing any undergraduate degree at any two-year or four-year college. Previous winners may apply again. Applications may be submitted via mail or email.
This year, in 2020, the Dedert Family is offering one $1,000 scholarship in memory of Joy Dedert. She was a dedicated individual, wife, mother and advocate for the pork industry. A winner will be chosen from the IPPA applications.