Former champion recalls summer of '53
PONTIAC – Harvard Bargmann fondly remembers the summer of 1953. That’s when he showed the champion Hampshire sheep at the Livingston County 4-H Fair.
“It was very hot that day, but it was a good time,” Bargmann recalled.
Bargmann bought the mother from Roger Weeks of Fairbury who was known for his outstanding sheep. Bargmann paid $140 for the mother and this was the lamb she had.
“She was a little wild – I didn’t have much time to work with her,” Bargmann said. “My dad was sick and I was out trying to do farm work so it was an experience showing her.”
The Bargmanns had sheep for just a few years before moving off the farm and that was the end of it. He currently lives in Pontiac but grew up south of Forrest where his parents farmed.
The 81-year-old Bargmann brought his old trophy to the Livingston County Fair this week to reminisce about his showing days.