Parts of area lucky this season

CHENOA – The areas of Yates and Chenoa townships in McLean County are among the luckiest crop growing regions in the state this year.
“We’ve got corn in relatively good shape compared to everybody else,” said McLean County farmer Brian Schaumburg. “Most of ours was in during May.”
Schaumburg’s soybeans all appear to be in good shape as they continue to grow also all of his corn has been sprayed. He was heading out late last week to replant some ponds that won’t go away, hoping for the best.
“We are really in a pretty darn good place to be,” Schaumburg added.
Weed control has been surprisingly good this season and crop emergence was fast. Now, we just need growing degree units, sunshine and warm and wet weather now through August. This could lead to farmers raising a respectable crop in 2019.
Schaumburg is surprised at how fast the markets can move, as it has been a very strange year so far.
“Things will just continue to get stranger I got a feeling.”