Wildlife field day is Thursday

Join the Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District for a Wildlife and Water Quality Field Day on Thursday (April 4).
The day starts at 9:00 am in Chatsworth at the American Legion Hall, 528 E. Locust St., Chatsworth. The group will travel to to Dassow Farms south of Chatsworth to hear about their conservation and wildlife habitat activities. Other speakers will discuss wildlife habitat and programs that would be beneficial for producers and landowners. Lunch will be provided free of charge after the tour.
RSVP to Becky Taylor, Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District, at 815-844-6127, ext. 3, or rebecca.m.taylor@il.nacdnet.net. This event is sponsored by the Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District, American Farmland Trust, and USDA-NRCS.