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Auction raises money for Flanagan FFA

A view of Saturday's auction at Flanagan-Cornell High School / CIFN photo.

FLANAGAN – Saturday was the biggest day of the year for the Flanagan-Cornell FFA chapter.

The annual FFA Alumni Auction included items donated by local businesses and farmers.

Chapter President Emily Friese was grateful for all of the support.

“We usually start a month in advance sending out letters and trying to get donors,” she said.

Friese acknowledges it has been a busy but successful year for the chapter, as they have a blood drive coming up along with their year-end banquet which features officer elections and a keynote speaker.

“We did our annual farmer’s lunch and we’ve gone to conventions and conferences. It’s really been a great year for us,” Friese added.

Flanagan-Cornell FFA students are doing great things this year as they had six win section proficiencies and three students just earned their FFA degrees. Advisor Jessica Collins said the successful auction is a team effort with the alumni and students.

“It’s fun and there’s a great turnout, so we are excited to see what happens.”

The same individuals who donate items to the auction are often ones who purchase items to help the school as well. According to FFA alumni auction chair Doug Erickson, the auction really took off the first year and has grown each year since.

“Last year, we put up a greenhouse for the school and now they’ve got horticulture classes out there along with landscaping classes,” Erickson explained.

Plot events and plant sales are just a couple of the activities the chapter sponsors during the year and the money raised it put to good use.

“A lot of the things that they are able to do used to cost either the kids some money or the school. Now, we are able to take some of the money generated tonight and be able to send the kids to those programs,” said Erickson.

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