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Donations sought for ag exhibit

(Photo via Illinois Corn Growers Association)

McLean County farmer Dennis Wentworth and his wife, Cathy, are challenging ag families and businesses across Central Illinois to collectively donate $1 million in grain this harvest to help the Children’s Discovery Museum build a new agriculture exhibit.


“We’re asking farmers, like you, to consider donating corn, soybeans, or other crops to support this initiative. As agriculture leaders, we can play a role in telling our story,” said Dennis Wentworth as he introduced the challenge to friends and neighbors before harvest started in fields across Central Illinois.


His wife, Cathy, spent her career teaching and has recently been visiting grain elevators to further educate operators about the couple’s 2024 harvest challenge. She helped deliver lunches to grain truck drivers to spread the message and support ag workers. 


“Together, we can make a difference and cultivate a brighter future for agriculture. We hope you’ll join us and donate!” she added.


Farmers who are interested in meeting the grain donation challenge can follow the steps listed on the museum’s website to help ensure farmers receive intended tax benefits from a gift of grain:


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