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Registration open for tour

(CIFN file photo)

The Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) has opened registration for its 10th annual Conservation in Action Tour, which will be held September 5 and 6 in central Indiana. This year’s tour theme is “Building Bridges: Past, Present and Future in Conservation Agriculture.”

The Conservation in Action Tour series brings together farmers, researchers, policymakers, crop consultants, association leaders, conservation agency employees, and agricultural journalists for an up-close look at conservation farming systems in the field. Host farmers and guest speakers on each farm will provide insight on national issues and practical solutions, while networking opportunities throughout the program allow participants to exchange perspectives.

“The Conservation in Action Tour puts people in direct contact with some of the most innovative conservation farmers in the country, and in direct contact with each other,” notes Chad Watts, executive director of CTIC in West Lafayette, Indiana. “We’re especially excited about this year’s tour because we’ll be celebrating the program’s tenth anniversary here in Indiana, where it all started. That gives us an opportunity to explore how conservation agriculture has advanced over the past 10 years and explore where it’s going—the bridges that connect past, present and future.”

CTIC has opened online registration for the September 5-6 tour at, and is taking registrations by phone at (765) 494-9555. Registration for the tour is $100. The fee covers the Evening Social on September 5 in West Lafayette, Indiana; breakfast, lunch and dinner during the tour on September 6; and round-trip transportation from the tour hotel to all tour stops.

For more information on the tour in the months to come, including detailed information on the stops and speakers, check

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