Another Penfield show in the books
PENFIELD – This year’s Historic Farm Days event at Penfield started with a few weather doubts on Thursday but the storm clouds gave way to a beautiful weekend for enjoying antique farm machinery.
Ever since the wheat harvest began on opening day, the action never stopped at the annual show hosted by the I&I Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Club.
“We had a lot of really neat tractors and equipment,” explained club member Chris Karr.
This year’s featured brands included Case and Graham Bradley. This was a special show as it marked the 40th anniversary of the club and the organization’s 20th year in Penfield. Organizers have made slight changes to the show in the past and continue to do so each year.
Jerome Increase Case of New York founded J.I. Case Machinery Company by improving a “ground hog” thresher patented in England and driven by a horse-powered treadmill for custom threshing. Meanwhile, the Graham-Paige Motors Corporation of Detroit launched its first ag venture with the introduction of the Graham-Bradley model 503.93 tractor in 1937 which was a narrow front row crop model.
According to literature provided by the club, the 40-year history of the I&I Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Club began in 1976 near Alvin, Illinois near the Indiana border. A small show of antique tractors and machinery and a “bragging rights” tractor pull were held for several years on a farm located in a wooded area.
Karr believes people make the event work – from the volunteers to visitors who come from states such as Pennsylvania, Kansas and Minnesota. He has a few words for those reading this article.
“We’re just so proud of the grounds. Hopefully some day you all can come.”
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