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Precision Planting launches 'Reveal'

Reveal, a new product from Precision Planting, is shown to farmers / CIFN photo.

PHILO – A concept which changes the way farmers plant was unveiled at this week’s Precision Planting Winter Conference, held at numerous locations across the country, including a farm near Champaign and at the research farm in Pontiac.

The row cleaner called Reveal is a new concept for planter residue management. It is currently in beta testing for the 2021 season. Reveal is actually mounted to the planter frame instead of the row unit resulting in a clean path ahead of the unit.

“We improved row unit ride a bit,” explained Precision Planting’s Cory Muhlbauer. “Reveal is adding value to the row unit performance.”

The concept allows for better flotation and ground engagement with less wear on the row units. Reveal has its own internal gauge wheel and controls the depth of cleaning tines, creating an ideal and clean environment for plant emergence. Independent pressure and depth adjustments are also included.

“We are looking forward to next year,” Muhlbauer added.

The company’s Matt Morgan, who is working in Argentina, pointed to a 7-10 percent emergence difference by having a row cleaning system such as this. Large scale testing will take place in North and South America this year.

“Build Your Picket Fence Stand” was the theme for this year’s Winter Conference. Precision Planting noted the importance of planting into adequate moisture and warm soil temperatures. The company has a product called SmartFirmer which is a sensor that can be installed on planters that measures the amount of soil moisture at planting depth.

“For the first time as a grower, you can see the X-ray of your field,” said Justin McMenamy.

SmartFirmer adds to farmer decision-making on the day of planting. Another product is FlowSense which gives row by row flow for starter fertilizer. Precision Planting will have a magnetic version of FlowSense this year.

Even though the density of a product may change, there is still an accurate measurement.


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