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Jenner Ag awards scholarships

Two students have been chosen as the 2022 Jenner Ag Furthering Ag Education Scholarship recipients and awarded $1,000 scholarships.

Elizabeth Schafer of Illinois is attending Butler Community College with plans to pursue a degree in Agricultural Communications. During her high school career, she served as president of the Taylorville High School National Honors Society and was extensively involved in ag programs, holding various leadership positions within her 4-H Chapter and serving as president of her FFA Chapter.

In Schafer’s first year with FFA, she was named State Creed Speaking Champion and National FFA Agriscience Fair Animal Systems Winner. As her career progressed, she earned an FFA National Proficiency Award and won the Illinois State Fair Master Showmanship Competition. Schafer received 7th High Individual Overall at the North American International Livestock Exposition Skillathon Contest and was also part of a team invited to represent the U.S. at an international livestock judging competition.

J. Brent Studebaker of Indiana attends Purdue University, where he is currently pursuing a degree in Agribusiness Management with a minor in Agricultural Systems Management. Studebaker has served as president of his FFA Chapter and was a 10-year member of 4-H, all while finishing multiple dual-credit classes. He was the 2020 Indiana FFA Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) winner for Diversified Crop Production and received the 2021 Indiana FFA Star Over Indiana in Ag Placement, awarded to the state FFA member who demonstrates outstanding SAE achievement, active FFA participation and an exemplary scholastic record.

Despite his young age, Studebaker is already a considered partner in the family farm, after dedicating half days his senior year to independent study as he helped work the family farm while his grandfather battled colon cancer. He graduated with both technical honors and academic honors diplomas, and his grandfather is cancer-free today.

“We know how important it is to be able to offer assistance to students,” says Steve Jones, CEO of Jenner Ag. “Our industry has a lot to offer, and we love to see young people who are as excited about the future of our industry as we are.”

For over a decade, Jenner Ag has provided scholarships for ag students.


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