Statement issued on USMCA
The following is a statement from Illinois Farm Bureau President Richard Guebert, Jr., regarding news of an upcoming vote on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
“This is excellent news for Illinois Farm Bureau and Illinois farmers. We are appreciative of the work by Speaker Pelosi and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to reach an agreement to move this important trade deal to a vote before Congress adjourns in December.
“This timely news coincides with the Sense of the Delegate Body resolution regarding USMCA’s swift ratification passed by Illinois Farm Bureau delegates during their annual meeting yesterday. We will once again activate our members and work toward swift congressional ratification in the House and Senate.”
The Illinois Farm Bureau is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation, a national organization of farmers and ranchers. Founded in 1916, IFB is a non-profit, membership organization directed by farmers who join through their county Farm Bureau. IFB has a total membership of more than 386,291 and a voting membership of 79,159. IFB represents three out of four Illinois farmers.