In the field with Jenner

Jenner Precision’s Nate Kelson has spent quite a bit of time in different combine cabs this fall and has observed yields all over the place.
He spent the past few weeks in fields near Gibson City, Rantoul and Monticello.
“I’ve seen some of my toughest yields around the Paxton and Cissna Park areas,” Kelson told The Central Illinois Farm Network. “It seems like they’ve taken a hit with the dry weather (over the summer).”
Kelson recently rode with a grower running stalk devastators on the corn head. They harvested several rows without them and several with them.
“There was a stark difference on the corn stalks,” Kelson noted.
Precision Planting’s YieldSense has also been a popular item with Jenner Precision customers this year. Users often enjoy the ease of calibrating the system. Heading into the off-season, Kelson suggests deciding what to do with your planter to ensure the best stand possible in 2020.