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View from the Cab: Fair growth is good

Dairy entries at last week's McLean County Fair in Bloomington / CIFN photo.

A fairly new program at the McLean County Fair continues to grow each year.

The annual livestock project sale hosted by the group known as “My Ag,” or McLean County Youth Animal Agriculture group, is designed to help promote the numbers of large animal species.

“We’ve really had a successful program so far – we presented just over $200,000 to youth livestock exhibitors over the last four years,” ag sale committee chair Marty Ropp told me last week.

Ropp expected the sale to raise over a quarter million dollars in total payouts. The money goes back to the young people that do the work and sponsors make everything possible. The group has 40 cornerstone sponsors along with individuals who purchase premiums to help support the program.

Around 100 livestock participants were included in the first event and that number has grown to over 140 in recent years.

“In just four years, we’ve been able to boost the numbers of folks that have livestock projects,” Ropp adds.

More information can be found at or by searching for “McLean County Youth Animal Agriculture Group-MY AG” on Facebook.

We had another fun time at last week’s McLean County Fair in Bloomington. The kids always love the Food and Fun Zone as they get to pet animals, participate in ag activities and drive a combine. The volunteers snapped a nice family picture of us outside the area and this photo will likely hang on our fridge until next summer’s fair.

After strolling through the fairgrounds to take in the projects and livestock, we ventured across town to buy school supplies for the kids. It’s hard to believe we have a Kindergartener and third grader. Where does the time go? They will be back in school before we know it.

As of this writing, we could still use more rain in our area although I was lucky enough to receive an inch of rain at my place the other day. That will green the grass up a bit and hopefully help the area corn and soybeans.

(The View from the Cab blog is powered by Petersen Motors of Fairbury)

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