View from the Cab: A no go...for now
Even though we may need to plant by boat this year, we will still get something in the ground – we always do.
In fact, some farmers like yours truly put some soybeans in the ground before the most recent soggy weather pattern set in. Time will tell if those soybeans will make it but at least we gave it a shot. I also heard reports of a few corn fields planted during that one dry week in April and the farther south you go more corn is planted.
Illinois remains well behind the average planting pace for this time of year. Neighboring states have more crops in than we do, which is unusual. We are typically the ones winning the planting race by now. National crop progress numbers indicate a wet spring which is impacting farmers all across the country. I feel for those folks along the Mississippi River who haven’t caught a break all spring.
Once the weather does cooperate, we can get the crop in pretty quickly and the markets have been reflecting that. As of this writing, there has been no huge price rally for corn or soybeans. That day could come soon and all of the analysts say to be prepared to make some new crop sales. Who knows…it could be our only shot at some decent prices this year.
I believe we started planting corn around May 10 back in 2009 and that was considered a late year. I’m sure you all remember the late harvest that season when we were combining corn at Thanksgiving and waiting to finish the soybeans until after the ground froze the first of December. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into that late of a year but anything is possible at this point. Maybe there is significance with years ending in 9 perhaps?
The wet weather has given me a chance to catch up on office work and projects for my other job. I have also been keeping a close eye on the basement as the water trickles in. Since my studio and main work area is located down there, I typically take extra steps to ensure water doesn’t enter the room. The kids are excited about all of the lakes in the field and full ditches as they think it is an invitation to stomp through the water in old boots.
(The View from the Cab is powered each week by Petersen Motors of Fairbury)