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RTK correction a big deal

Steve Riddle of DigiFarm stands next to a display during a meeting held in Feb. at Nu-Ag Technology in Chatsworth.

A company specializing in RTK correction service covers much of the nation with sub-inch repeatable accuracy.

DigiFarm is a company formed by a farmer who happened to have an electrical engineering background so he created a base station and later realized the potential for a business model.

“Today, we blanket a huge footprint across the major ag areas of the United States,” explained Steve Riddle, eastern U.S. sales representative for DigiFarm.

Through a dealer network, DigiFarm works with various brands of GPS units such as Ag Leader, Trimble, John Deere and Raven.

“With a tile plow, accuracy is very important as well as when you talk about planters with the individual row shutoff and some of the other technologies that go along with that,” Riddle adds.

It all comes down to cost justification, working smarter, doing more with less and trying to improve the grower’s bottom line.

More information can be obtained by visiting or by calling the company’s office and support number: 319-538-0885.

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