Proper N management important
Nitrogen management is important, not only for the efficiency and profitability of raising corn, but from an environmental perspective as well.
“We’ve got to keep our focus on that at all times,” explains John Allen, retail sales manager for Brandt Consolidated in Springfield.
Nitrogen loss starts to become a concern during wet springs like the one we are currently experiencing. Moving forward, growers should keep a close eye on that nitrogen and keep it stable while trying to manage the amount applied based on soil type and expected yield.
With the mild winter and wet start to spring, weed emergence is on everyone’s mind. Allen says fields which received a fall herbicide application look better than the ones that did not.
“We continue to see the value of fall burndown when you look at opportunities to get out there and get going in the spring,” Allen said. “Those winter annuals can sometimes take up moisture and nutrients we’d rather use for the growing crop.”
When it comes to weed control, there is a lot of excitement in the farming community with new soybean herbicide technologies out this year. Allen feels this gives us “another tool in the box” to deal with the ongoing problem of weed resistance. This method can serve growers well for years to come if good stewardship practices are used.
For more information on these topics, visit the Brandt website at or contact your local Brandt plant manager or field rep.