Weed control crucial in 2017
Weed control is on the minds of many farmers and the first seeds haven’t even been planted.
Eric Ifft, technical sales consultant with Bayer Crop Science, recommends killing every one of the growing points on a waterhemp plant to properly take care of the weed.
“Every two inches, they double,” Ifft told farmers attending an agronomy meeting hosted by Graymont Co-op.
Ifft feels pre-emergence residual herbicides are of great value and some of the older chemistries can be very effective on waterhemp. For a weed control program to be complete, growers need something to burn down grass and broadleaves.
“If you have chemistry that provides you that, you will have successful weed control,” Ifft explained.
Farmers should not just look at a chemical’s brand name but should examine the active ingredients as well. In the old days, we didn’t have the post chemistries we have today. We relied on residual products exclusively.
“If there are some escapes out there, go get them. Don’t sit and wait for the new tools,” Ifft added.
Ifft believes it will be at least 15 years before we see any new herbicide modes-of-action. Today’s growers can manage weed problems – they just need to pay close attention to what they are doing.