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Industry is cautiously optimistic

(CIFN file photo)

BLOOMINGTON – There is sense of optimism among ag retailers as we head into another farming season.

Jean Payne, president of the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association, feels the pre-pay seasons went well and growers had a decent fall season for both dry fertilizer and ammonia applications. She is cautiously optimistic for 2021.

“I think we always think it could have been a little better, but compared to 2019, (2020) was a shining star,” Payne told The Central Illinois Farm Network.

We are in a good position from a supply standpoint, according to Payne. The nice thing about the ag industry is that spring preparations are always done well ahead of time with inventories of inputs like seed, chemicals and fertilizer.

“It usually ends up being the re-supply period that is kind of critical,” Payne noted.

An increased interest in the Enlist soybean herbicide technology is anticipated in 2021, which is the ability to use 2,4-D over the top of traited beans. Some of the soybean choices include Xtend, Liberty and non-GMO.

Payne cautions growers to pay close attention to fields that are around whatever technology they are spraying.

“I would just really urge people to take the extra time and be sure when you’re spraying dicamba or 2,4-D that you are doing all you can to protect and co-exist with your neighbor.”

The Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association website is a great resource to find out about industry regulatory requirements at Various dicamba training links are available from the site as well.


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