Kelly receives agribusiness honor

PONTIAC – A familiar name in local agriculture accepted the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce’s Bill Edwards Agri-Business Person of the Year award Thursday night.
“I am very humbled,” said Tim Kelly of Kelly-Sauder-Rupiper Equipment, LLC, the local John Deere dealership. “The city of Pontiac is an awesome place to own a business and raise a family.”
Paul Sutter, last year’s award winner, introduced Kelly as a supporter of ag business in Pontiac and Livingston county. He said Kelly has been a big part of KSR’s success.
“Tim started at Gardner’s Sales and Service 39 years ago as a tractor tech and eventually moved into management,” Sutter explained.
Kelly was born and raised on the family farm near Cornell and still helps with the operation.
The Business Person of the Year Award went to Mark Masching. Also, several local students were recognized for their academic achievements and Chamber board members were recognized.