Technology to turn a profit
FAIRBURY – Since there aren’t any indications markets will skyrocket in 2018, ag technology businesses are looking to help growers turn a profit.
“Can we lower your input somehow or can we raise your bushel count?” asks Nate Kelson with Jenner Precision. “Many times, it is something small that can be done to help out.”
A new feature offered to growers includes a grain monitoring system which is considered much simpler than older technology and costs less. Fans can be controlled from anywhere in the world.
“It allows guys to monitor and control the fans on their grain bins. It’ll even send texts or e-mails that the grain bin is acting up,” Kelson said.
Kelson rides with farmers all throughout the state during the growing season and noticed frustration last year with untimely rains – especially to the east. Luckily, everyone eventually got their crop planted despite damp soils.
“I was in several combines this fall and everyone was pleasantly surprised with their yield.”
Jenner Precision, located west of Fairbury, both sells and services precision ag technology. The business offers electronics, monitors and drives but also offers small items which can improve a combine head or ripper. They work with several different technology brands.
The business can be found online at or by calling 815-692-6655.