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Show features unique products

A planter is displayed at this week's Greater Peoria Farm Show / CIFN photo.

PEORIA – From customized planters to crop health imagery, growers can find it all at this week’s Greater Peoria Farm Show at the Peoria Civic Center.

The large Intelli Planter is front and center at the show. A popular feature includes the hopper box lid system which automatically opens and is air operated.

“You can open your lids from the tractor cab and shut them with the flick of a wrist,” explains Aaron Ehnle, with KE Seed Precision Ag of Edelstein, Illinois.

Ehnle calls the planter a “flashy” product which speeds up the seed fill time. Show attendees seem interested in finding out what the Intelli Planter is and the options it offers. There seems to be more of an interest in custom planters these days.

“We don’t have to go to the OEM’s to do this anymore. We can do this ourselves,” Ehnle said.

KE Seed Precision Ag specializes in planters and adding any options the grower wants such as central fill, markers or liquid application methods.

“We can take a planter of your dreams and make it reality.”

IntelinAir is promoting its crop health analytics service which utilizes aerial imagery.

“Probably the biggest thing that’s driving the industry right now is the adoption of technology in general,” said James Mocarski, VP of sales and customer success at IntelinAir.

The company monitored over 1.8 million acres last season and expects to do more next year. They provide imagery at 10 centimeter resolution, allowing them to monitor conditions at the crop row level. Analytics allow growers to see the good and bad aspects of a field.

“All they need to do is log on to their computer or iPad and we tell them here are your top five or 10 concerns this week,” adds Katie Hansen, senior account manager.

This is the 36th year for the Greater Peoria Farm Show which runs through Thursday. The event includes the latest in agriculture and is the state’s largest indoor farm show with over 150,000 square feet of exhibits. Over 350 companies, representing over 1,000 product lines and services, are represented.

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