Pro Harvest cover crop update
Cover crop season will soon be ramping up again.
The spring may have seemed late, but Alex Benoit of Pro Harvest seeds says crops in Illinois are moving along nicely. The crops should hopefully mature at a normal rate, allowing timely applications of cover crops into standing fields.
“Usually if you get into a later spring, that kind of shortens your window in the fall for cover crops as most of it gets seeded into a standing crop,” Benoit explained.
Benoit recommends growers start planning now for fall cover crop applications and to look at those fields with weed or drainage problems.
“Maybe your soil is struggling and needs some assistance. Always be looking for things to improve on each farm,” added Benoit.
If you have never done cover crops before, Benoit suggests starting small.
“Start on a 40 that you drive by everyday or that is somewhere where you can watch it and constantly check on it. Don’t jump into anything.”
Pro Harvest has around 70 dealers in Illinois and western Indiana and stretches into parts of Wisconsin and Iowa. A dealer locator and contact information can be found at
The company’s phone number is 866-807-7015.