View from the Cab: The spotty spring
By Kent Casson
My cab view has been somewhat obstructed by raindrops but hopefully that changes soon.
I realize we will likely be begging for rain come July, but several clear days with warmth and sunshine would be great to finish getting crops in the ground.
If you travel a few miles to the south of where I live, there are growers practically finished with the 2024 planting season but if you travel farther north, there is plenty of fieldwork remaining. This has been one of those “spotty springs” and it appears the entire growing season could be like this.
One year ago, everything was in the ground at this point and we were celebrating a successful planting season. Don’t raise those glasses to 2024 just yet as there is still plenty of time left and anything can happen.
They often say farmers keep close tabs on what the neighbor is doing but we broke this trend last week. Even though no neighbor was planting, we were. It was a nice day and more rain was expected so that meant hammer down! We may have planted around a few wet spots, but at least something went in the ground. Amazingly, we had both the corn and soybean planters rolling.
There were some planters going later in the day, so I guess we weren’t all that crazy for planting. They probably saw us and said, “Let’s go plant some corn because the Cassons are.”
Our busy lives continue in addition to farming as track season is winding down for Kasen but Kenadee and Kaislee will soon become busy with softball and t-ball. It is fun to take a break from the field once in a while to take in the kids’ activities. They are only young once.
Hard to believe the end of another school year is just around the corner. Soon, the family will be home playing outside and doing calf chores in preparation for summer fair season. I can’t help but think of the old Alice Cooper song, “School’s Out for Summer” when I think about this.
I guess it’s a contest now to see what happens first – me getting done planting or the kids and Rebecca getting out of school for the year. My bets are on school but who knows what will happen.
Our first planted corn is up! What a relief it is to see small plants poking through the ground (where the field wasn’t flooded out). Things are looking up in farming country.