Illinois production, stocks info

USDA released information Friday on Illinois crop production, grain stocks and winter wheat seedings.
Corn: Planted area, at 10.8 million acres, is down 4 percent from 2023. Corn for grain was harvested on 10.65 million acres, down 4 percent from the previous year. The corn yield is estimated at 217 bushels per acre, up 11 bushels from 2023. Production is estimated at 2.31 billion bushels, up 2 percent from last year.
Soybeans: Planted area, at 10.8 million acres, is up 4 percent from 2023. Harvested area, at 10.75 million acres, is up 4 percent from the previous year. The soybean yield is estimated at 64 bushels per acre, up 1 bushel from 2023. Production is estimated at 688 million bushels, up 6 percent from the previous year.
Winter wheat: Harvested area is estimated at 700,000 acres, down 10 percent from the previous year. The winter wheat yield is estimated at 86 bushels per acre, down 1 bushel per acre from 2023. Production is estimated at 60.2 million bushels, down 11 percent from the previous year.
Oats: Harvested area, at 17,000 acres, is unchanged from the previous year. The oat yield is estimated at 93 bushels per acre, up 3 bushels from 2023. Production is estimated at 1.58 million bushels, up 3 percent from the previous year.
All hay: Harvested area, at 445,000 acres, is up 9 percent from 2023. The all hay yield is estimated at 3.31 tons per acre, up 0.46 tons from the previous year. Production is estimated at 1.48 million tons, up 26 percent from 2023.
Corn stocks in all positions on December 1, 2024 totaled 2.02 billion bushels, up 2 percent from December 1, 2023. On-farm stocks totaled 1.13 billion bushels, while off-farm stocks totaled 892 million bushels. The September - November 2024 indicated disappearance is 521 million bushels.
Soybean stocks in all positions on December 1, 2024 totaled 545 million bushels, down 1 percent from December 1, 2023. On-farm stocks totaled 255 million bushels, while off-farm stocks totaled 290 million bushels. The September - November 2024 indicated disappearance is 189 million bushels.
All wheat stocks in all positions on December 1, 2024 totaled 37.4 million bushels, down 7 percent from December 1, 2023. On-farm stocks totaled 5.40 million bushels, while off-farm stocks totaled 32.0 million bushels. The September - November 2024 indicated disappearance is 8.40 million bushels.
Winter wheat seeded area for 2025 is estimated at 790,000 acres, up 3 percent from 2024.