Farmers ready to get back at it
STANFORD – McLean County farmer Dustin Park had an early start to this harvest season which keeps getting delayed by wet weather lately.
“We had disease issues and stalk rot,” Park told The Central Illinois Farm Network. “Tar spot came in late and you could really tell the fields that didn’t get sprayed with fungicide.”
Park observed 30 to 40-bushel swings between plants with or without a fungicide application. He wanted to get out there early before the corn fell down. Park’s corn harvest is complete but he is trying to get through some beans.
“I’ve got probably about half of my beans done,” said Park.
Yields are disappointing to Park so far as his corn is below average but beans are average.
“We had all of that rain early in the year where it came in big downpours.”
Even though yields have been disappointing, Park says it helps to have somewhat higher grain prices. He plans to install tile this year as planting has been pushed back in recent springs due to wet weather.
“It seems like the earlier we can get it in, the better off we are since we can get a little more rain that way,” added Park.
Many farmers like Park are wondering what will happen next year as fertilizer prices continue to go up. Park tries to keep everything in an even crop rotation but with the uncertainty surrounding corn input prices, that could change.