American farmers know how to get it done

FAIRBURY – What a difference two weeks makes. Planting progress has jumped in the state during the past week thanks to better weather and the American farmer knowing how to get things done.
Local farmer Tom Ambrose admits this is why he is proud to be a part of the agricultural community.
“If you looked at our area two weeks ago, there was very little if anything done but when you give an American farmer a little window of opportunity, they can go to town and get it done very fast,” Ambrose told The Central Illinois Farm Network.
Ambrose, who farms in Belle Prairie and Indian Grove Townships in Livingston County, started with soybeans this year.
“Of course, we didn’t get a real early start like we had the last couple of years,” he said.
As of Sunday, most of Ambrose’s soybeans were in the ground. He finished planting corn over the weekend.
“The ground has worked pretty well but we’ve had some wet spots.”
April 26 was the date Ambrose started planting soybeans and those plants have been struggling to come up with a hard crust so this week’s forecasted rains will be welcomed.
“You know how it is in agriculture – when you want a rain you can’t get it and when you don’t want a rain, it rains inches,” Ambrose added.
Ambrose has taken note of the big jump in input costs over the past six months but realizes it is one of the factors beyond a farmer’s control.