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Ag contest entry deadline Friday

To recognize the essential agriculture industry, Livingston County’s Ag Literacy Partnership is hosting a Postcard Design Contest for K-4 students.

This contest is open to all Livingston County public, private and home school students. “Thank You Farmers!” is the theme. There are 3 contest divisions: Kindergarten Coloring; Grades 1 & 2 Postcard Design and Grades 3 & 4 Postcard Design. The 1st place winner from each of the divisions will have their entry printed onto full-color postcards that will be used for National Agriculture Day promotions.

Kindergarten students will color a picture that is available on request. Students in grades 1-4 will design a 5.5” X 8.5” postcard that shows an activity that occurs on a farm. A few examples include: planting a field or garden; harvesting crops; baling hay; feeding livestock; taking care of machinery OR students can draw a food (turkey, pumpkins, milk, popcorn, etc.) or a non-food product that starts on a farm (medicines, footballs, clothing, crayons, ethanol or biodiesel).

Entries will be judged on the accurate use of colors and neatness. Contest rules and the Kindergarten coloring sheet are available from the Livingston County SWD at 815-844-6127 ext. 3 or by contacting Debbie Ruff at Contest entries are due no later than December 11, 2020.

Entries may be delivered to the Livingston County SWCD, 1510 W. Reynolds St., Pontiac, IL 61764 or may be scanned and e-mailed to Winners will be announced in January.

For any concerns, please call the office at 815-844-6127 ext. 3. This contest is sponsored by the Livingston County Agriculture Literacy Partnership to help bring awareness to the fact that no one can go a day without agriculture. The Partnership is comprised of Livingston County’s Soil and Water Conservation District, Farm Bureau and U of I Extension.


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