Pro Farmer estimates lower than USDA

Last week’s Pro Farmer 2020 crop tour resulted in corn and soybean yields below earlier USDA forecasts.
Estimates from crop observations collected by tour scouts in seven Midwestern states include the 2020 U.S. corn crop at 14.820 billion bushels based on an average yield of 177.5 bushels per acre. This would be down from USDA’s August prediction of 181.8 bpa. Pro Farmer estimates the U.S. soybean crop at 4.362 billion bushels with the national average yield at 52.5 bushels per acre. This is down from 53.3 forecasted by USDA earlier in the month.
The 28th annual Pro Farmer tour also revealed many acres of crops were impacted by wind damage from the August derecho storm. Drought concerns were also discovered in various parts of the country.