Amazing experience for Pontiac FFA

PONTIAC – Pontiac FFA members recently visited the largest FFA chapter in Colorado during an exchange trip.
“It was actually really cool,” Hannah Grove said of the recent visit to Greely West High School.
Grove enjoys meeting new people and doing different projects to help the community through FFA. This gave Pontiac students a chance to see what the other chapter does and different initiatives they are involved with.
“You get to see what they are like and what we are like and how different we interact with each other,” said Maeve Quigley.
Member Corey Gesell echoed those comments and considered the trip an “amazing experience” that was a lot of fun. He appreciates the preparation FFA gives for real-world experiences.
Pontiac advisor Jesse Faber said the Greely FFA members hope to visit Pontiac when their schedule allows.
The big Pontiac FFA auction is coming Saturday, Feb. 22 featuring different items donated by community members and built by the students. This helps fund various projects throughout the year such as the Indian Summit for incoming students and member activities.
“The auction is really probably one of our biggest events for our FFA program,” explained Quigley. “It brings in a lot of money.”
A ribeye steak and pork chop dinner will be served beforehand, starting at 3 p.m. with the auction at 5 p.m. in the PTHS auditorium.
More on the Pontiac FFA can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or by searching for the organization online.