Farmers should physically prepare

Spring planting season isn’t far off – are you physically prepared?
Joining a wellness program can lead to increased core strength, overall body strength, flexibility, endurance and good cardiovascular health in order to get through another season.
“(Farmers) get in a lot of different positions and with the upcoming spring loading the planters and getting the wagons out, you just have to make sure you’re using proper mechanics in order to prevent injury,” Lee Noonan, owner of Turning Point Therapies in Fairbury, said.
Noonan is glad to sit down with farmers to discuss proper body mechanics and how to prevent injuries when loading a planter or working on a combine. Turning Point staff educates farmers and their employees on the proper body techniques when performing different tasks.
A farm boy himself, Noonan realizes what farmers go through and can screen them if they feel the need.
“It would be a great thing to prevent them from coming in to see me for physical therapy,” Noonan admits.
Since Turning Point does not use a contract system, they don’t charge farmers when they are in the field for a certain period of time.
“We understand that and being in a rural community, we give them a break.”
Machines used at Turning Point include one that provides mechanical traction to help alleviate pain in the back or neck and a cable crossover which can be used for triceps curls. The mechanical machine, also referred to as decompression, is covered by most insurance.
“We use that pretty frequently,” said Noonan. “It gives people a lot of good relief.”
More information can be found at: or by searching for them on Facebook.