Plot results coming in

LEXINGTON – As harvest is rolling in Central Illinois, preliminary plot results are coming in.
In a sulfur response trial on corn in McLean County, the highest yield came where ATS was dropped in when the corn was at V10.
“We go anywhere from 216 down to elemental sulfur at 189 and no sulfur right in there at 190,” said Dan Froelich, a technical agronomist for Brandt Consolidated.
Froelich observed a spread from 194.8 to 185 with no foliar treatments. The best treatments used a Trio product with herbicide on corn followed at VT with fungicide and sulfur. Froelich has noticed a big benefit to fungicide treatments this year. Fungicide applied at VT resulted in corn yielding 206 compared to 188 on the corn with no fungicide.
Application timing for nitrogen was also important this year. Trials compared split applications in the fall and spring and 100 percent fall or pre-plant.
“We had a spread of 211 for the split application and 167 for spring,” Froelich noted.
Froelich believes growers will see a benefit if they can get fall ammonia applied this year. The Brandt plot also had trials with four different populations in 30 inch rows which indicated advantages to certain hybrids at various planting populations.