Couple turns dream into reality

FAIRBURY – Troy and Michelle Harms, owners of Harms Country Farms near Fairbury, had a vision for an outdoor wedding venue since they got married six years ago.
“This evolved and we had some neat older out buildings and decided to fix them up a little bit and try to make some wedding venues out of it,” explained Troy.
Michelle said she wanted to get married at the farm but it wasn’t their property at the time. The couple knew others who were doing outdoor weddings.
“We decided that this could be fun,” Michelle said.
The property is where Troy’s grandmother grew up. This location has always been known for thick trees and scenic views.
“My Uncle Joe was an avid treesman. That’s kind of how the trees evolved,” Troy noted.
The building used for the reception hall features a new concrete floor and electrical work, as the structure originally had a dirt floor. The Harmses stay busy with landscaping and ground maintenance work on the farm. There are plenty of parking spaces since grass seed was put down for the lot earlier this year.
“Just with the lighting we put up in the shed and the scenery, I think people really enjoy being out here,” added Troy.
A couple from Michigan who recently attended a wedding at the venue commented on how beautiful the sunsets are around here as their farm ground is mixed with woodlands.
“We had people walking up to the road watching the sunset leaving the reception and walking back,” recalled Michelle.
The decision to use the property for an event venue was reached rather quickly as Troy and Michelle were approached last year about having a wedding on the grounds. Once they booked one wedding, more people suddenly inquired about the place.
“We are excited to keep it going and see what happens,” said Troy.
The couple has 22-month-old twins, Landon and Tinley, who seem to enjoy farm life so far.
More information can be found on Facebook by searching for “Harms Country Farms.”