LG Seeds agronomy update
PEORIA – Certain hybrids and varieties are doing what they are supposed to be doing while others are struggling due to the environment they were planted into.
Jim Rowley, a technical team agronomist for LG Seeds, acknowledges some newly-planted seeds are struggling in the low spots.
“We’ve got everything from the early planting April 22 where (the corn) is V6 or V8 and then we’ve got stuff that was planted seven to 10 days ago that is just spiking through,” explained Rowley.
Weed pressure has become more of an issue in recent years with water hemp posing bigger challenges for growers. Things could get even worse this year with the timing of spray applications as more rain is in the forecast for the next week.
“It is going to be a real challenge to stay ahead of the weeds and to keep them in check,” noted Rowley.
All of the excess rain has resulted in a loss of nitrogen from the soil. Those wanting to side dress are going to find it to be a “daunting task,” according to Rowley.
Rowley advises farmers to re-plant at their own discretion but we are getting to the point where you are doing more damage than good out in the field. Spots could get drowned-out again with the forecasted rainfall.
“It’s a lot of work for probably not as much reward as we’d like other than weed control.”
Following years of record yields for some, Rowley hopes growers set the proper expectations for the fall by not getting their hopes up and not giving up on this year’s crop.
Rowley is based in Peoria and represents LG Seeds in a territory that stretches to Champaign and Kankakee in east Central Illinois.