Bryant receives hall of fame award

BLOOMINGTON – The Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers bestowed its Hall of Fame Award to Ken L. Bryant, AFM, of Bryant and Associates at a special presentation made March 21 at the Illinois Land Values Conference.
Presenting the plaque was Eric Wilkinson, AFM, Hertz Farm Management, ISPFMRA 2nd Past President.
In making the presentation Wilkinson noted that Bryant holds both bachelors and master’s degrees from the University of Illinois. From 1976 through 1983 he was assistant manager of the University of Illinois Trust, Endowment and Temporary Farm. This included oversight for 11,000 acres of farmland across the state.
From 1983 through 1992 he served as vice president and head of the Farm Management Department at Citizens First National Bank in Princeton, IL. While there he grew the bank’s land management portfolio from 7,000 acres to over 12,000.
Bryant opened his current management and appraisal company in 1992. Today he manages properties in six northern Illinois counties.