Marketing patience urged

BLOOMINGTON – One market analyst is remaining positive in the face of a trade battle with China and urges patience among farmers.
Merrill Crowley with Midwest Market Solutions in Watseka spoke during last week’s Striving for Profit meeting in Bloomington hosted by Jenner Precision.
“Be patient right now,” Crowley said. “We are seeing the markets recover somewhat.”
According to Crowley, China is not going to take away any tariffs in the next 90 days until they see some of the things they want coming their way. Also, a high-ranking person in China got arrested in Canada which upset the Chinese but caused the bean market to recover nicely.
The stock markets have been hit hard and Crowley doesn’t know how much of that will spill over into commodities.
“Hopefully it will send money our way,” Crowley noted.
During his presentation, Crowley covered the nuts and bolts of marketing which includes getting a plan together, activating that plan and using offers. Crowley can be reached at 815-432-2220.