Knee-high and then some

GRIDLEY – The traditional “knee-high by the Fourth of July” saying can be replaced by the phrase “high as an elephant’s eye” this year.
Corn height in Central Illinois skyrocketed in recent weeks thanks to extremely warm temperatures and many plants are shooting tassels. McLean County farmer Clark Stoller believes both the corn and soybeans are off to a good start and he hopes to harvest wheat soon.
“We are very thankful we’ve had the right amount of moisture so far. We hope for a good harvest,” Stoller said.
Stoller’s son-in-law, Mclane Steidinger, admits there is no shortage of farm work since he also has a cattle barn. Activities include silage and rye chopping, wheat harvesting and straw baling. Steidinger agrees the crops look good and appear to be right on schedule.
“Some drier weather here and sunshine is sure going to help the beans,” Steidinger noted.