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Farmers meet with legislators

(photo courtesy of the Illinois Soybean Association)

Coffee and soybeans fueled legislators and staff last week at the Illinois State Capitol.

Soybean farmers and leaders from the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff program shared soy lattes and talked with decision makers about how soybeans are sustainably grown.

“Spring is an exciting time for farmers because it means we get to plant soybeans that become food, fiber and fuel for use in Illinois and beyond,” says Stan Born, ISA director and farmer from Lovington, Ill. “Illinois soybean farmers care about our land and work hard to protect our natural resources for our families, our neighbors and future generations.”

While enjoying a honey vanilla or lavender soy latte prepared by Free Press Coffee House, Illinois soybean farmers shared with legislators how agriculture advancements help them grow more soybeans using fewer resources:

  • Precise farm equipment technology allows farmers to target exact areas in fields that need nutrients or crop protectants.

  • Only a few ounces of crop protectants are needed per acre.

  • Biotechnology allows farmers to grow more food on fewer acres with less impact on the environment.

  • According to Field to Market’s 2016 National Indicators Report, from 1980 to 2015, soybean farmers improved resource efficiency with decreases in per bushel land use (-40 percent), irrigation water use (-32 percent), energy use (-35 percent), greenhouse gas emissions (-38 percent) and improvements in per acre soil conservation (-47 percent).

The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff and membership programs represent more than 43,000 soybean farmers in Illinois. The checkoff funds market development, soybean production and profitability research, issues analysis, communications and education.

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