Remain patient says field advisor

GRIDLEY – The calendar says late April, but a local field advisor urges farmers to remain patient before rushing into the field to plant.
A yield bump is possible for early planted soybeans, but Kyle Wettstein from the Brandt Consolidated Gridley location, says to still use sound agronomic practices before trying to kick up dust.
“Don’t be planting early just to plant early,” Wettstein told The Central Illinois Farm Network this week.
Wettstein believes seed treatment on soybeans is critical this year as it benefits the seed.
“From the data we’ve been seeing, it shows up really well on April planted beans.”
Growers typically like to see corn go into the ground around April 15 but we are already past that date. In fact, it could be late April or early May before the corn planters get out in full force. Wettstein doesn’t believe it is critical to consider switching out varieties at this point.
“If you’ve got some 115 or 116 day hybrids, I’d still keep those in the mix and maybe consider planting those first if you get started rolling in the field,” Wettstein adds.
If it does get late and corn acres need to be replaced with soybeans, there is still a good seed supply available.
The folks at Brandt had a few good days to work last week, although the wind caused a few issues for those trying to spray fields. Wettstein and others in the industry hope to get back to it soon. The Gridley area had 1.5 inches of rain last weekend and the cooler temperatures have not helped the drying process.