Trump, Rauner honor ag

Both President Trump and Governor Rauner issued proclamations in honor of National Agriculture Day on Tuesday.
A special presentation by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue included youth representing 4-H and FFA along with members of Congress, USDA officials, Ag Council of America board members and ag leaders from around the country. The presentation took place at the USDA Whitten Building in Washington.
In his remarks, Pence highlighted the critically important role America’s farmers and ranchers play in helping to feed, clothe and fuel people around the world.
Meanwhile, Rauner encouraged Illinoisans to celebrate the rich agricultural heritage in the state.
“As one of our largest industries, a thriving agricultural sector is crucial for the future viability and prosperity of Illinois,” Rauner said. “The billions of dollars generated from agricultural production, processing and manufacturing in Illinois strengthen our rural and urban economies, providing quality jobs across the state.”
Tuesday was the 45th anniversary of National Ag Day and this year’s theme was “Agriculture: Food for Life.”