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Weather a big market ingredient

(CIFN file photo)

BLOOMINGTON – We are seeing some shifts in the Pacific Ocean which indicate the La Nina weather pattern may be fading.

No one knows for sure what this means for our weather this spring and summer but Dale Durcholz of Agrivisor does see one thing.

“This drought pocket down in the southern plains and in the southwest continues to get just a little bit smaller.”

Durcholz believes weather will be a big market factor heading into spring. Also, the first Prospective Plantings report from USDA is due out at the end of the month along with grain stocks numbers.

“There have been some people asking do you think this move up in corn has really started to change the acreage mix? I doubt it but you never know,” Durcholz said.

Durcholz was our guest on the “CIFN Friday Live” program on Facebook last week. Check our Facebook page this Friday morning for another edition of the show.

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